So, what if you started a moms group and no one showed up?
This summer, it was on my heart to try to start some sort of weekly moms gathering at our church, even though there aren’t a lot of stay-at-home moms in our church. I’ve just been really burdened for mom company and offering a place where moms can get together for a little while during the day and get to know other moms. Over the summer, I repeatedly heard the message, “Reach out.” If I wanted friends, I needed to take the first step and not wait for someone else to reach out to me. I didn’t have a curriculum or concrete plan in mind; I just thought we could get to know each other to start and go from there, eventually reaching beyond the church walls to our neighbors and moms in need in our community.
The first week, two older moms (whose kids are grown and are grandmas) showed up to support me so I wouldn’t be alone. It was a touching and thoughtful gesture that almost made me cry. (Of course, it doesn’t take much to make me cry these days!) This week, Isabelle and I played in the nursery by ourselves.
I wasn’t too discouraged after the first week; it’s sort of what I expected. And as we walked home after meeting Phil for lunch, I felt God impress on me the words “faithful with a few things.” It comes from the Parable of the Talents, found in Matthew 25. Jesus tells a story of a man who leaves his possessions to servants to care for while he’s gone. The three servants are all given different amounts and do different things with them. The first two servants grow their master’s possessions while he’s gone, and the master says to them, “You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:21, NASB)
I believe starting small is a good thing, but that also takes time and patience and faithfulness. I know of other moms groups that started with 2 or 3 and have grown multiple times that over years. I know God can do that here, but He also could keep us small or impress on me that maybe this isn’t the right time or place. I know it’s in His hands, so I cling to His encouragement, “faithful with a few things.”
I have a little more marketing to do to get the word out more about the group, but my first priority right now is prayer and looking for opportunities to build relationships with other moms as I meet them. And I’d ask if you have a similar burden where you’re at, or something you’re considering starting, to pray with me, and I’ll pray with you. And maybe a little at a time, we can change the world for Christ.
Lisa, Don't grow weary in well-doing! God led me to the same parable this week. It is interesting how he's not just talking about money. But sowing our time, our talent, our skill… all things you're doing by starting that group. He'll reward you for that, I am sure!! 🙂 Maybe you could market it a little on FB? Might get girls from other churches who need the same kind of group but don't have one where they're at? Maybe?
Lisa,Our mutual friend, Dana Bolton, forward your link to me~I think because we can relate to each other. I will most definately commit to pray with you…and together. I, too, recently started (something I did many years ago) a Single Moms Support Group. We meet at our church. It has been a slow start. As it was many years ago when I launched our first group. Let me encourage you (as I encourage myself)…God is faithful to complete the work He has begun in you! Let me say that first and foremost. He has first, placed the burden on your heart. It is HIS burden that you feel…He knows stay-at-home moms are lonely. Just as he knows Single Moms are broken-hearted, struggling, and often overwhelmed. We have to understand, when we feel a burden it is nearly always God who puts it there. It is His heart that longs to touch those we are burdened for. So He burdens us…and with that burden He places a "vision" in us. Some way to reach out to those we are burdened for. For some it is to a mission field…to others, like you and me…He causes us to "desire" to start a "group". That is His desire. Fellowship, caring, reaching out, touching hearts, meeting needs…that's His way…His heart. So…knowing that…all that…we must now trust Him…to bring those to us…that need His touch. He will do it. He knows who they are…where they are…and what it is going to take to get them to us…so we can then be His hands, His voice, His love, His mercy, His heart to them. If no one comes…fellowship…with Him…until they come. Know that you are exactly where He wants you to be…doing exactly what He has called you to do. That is so precious to Him. He will bring them. He is just being sure you are commited to the work He has called you to. Will you continue to show up…even if no one comes? Will you continue to trust Him that they will come? I believe you will…your heart is commited and He will honor that. Just be patient…He may be working out some details in their lives so when they come they will be in a position to recieve what He has placed inside of you to give. If you are on FaceBook, please add me as a friend. You can find me under Dana's FB page. I will be praying in the meantime. Blessings to you, Sweet Child of God…Psalms 46:10, Jeremiah 29:11