I can’t always tell you what I did yesterday.
I don’t shower regularly.
I can’t keep a clean house. Or even keep up with the housework.
I can’t stop worrying that something terrible might happen to my kids.
I am a mom.
I lose patience.
I get frustrated. Especially when I have to answer the question, “Why?” for the millionth time.
I wish I could go back to the “before kids” days. Or I look ahead to the empty-nest days.
I beg. I plead. I bribe.
I sneak chocolate during nap time.
I am a mom.
I can’t do all the things I used to do. Like go out to eat whenever I want. Or see a movie. Or stay up as late as I want. Or have a lazy day. Or meet a friend for coffee. Or serve on a committee. Or work full-time. Or dedicate myself to my work.
I am a mom.
But I CAN:
- name all the characters in my kids’ favorite shows.
- spot or smell poop from across the room.
- distract my kids from temper tantrums. I’m becoming a master at this art.
- juggle, as in do three or four things at one time. But I’m forever dropping the ball on something.
- use one hand to do things that usually require two.
- make just about anything into a song if it’ll make my kids smile or giggle.
- tell stories at a moment’s notice, like in the public restroom where my daughter is potty training while we’re out shopping.
- read stories for the billionth time.
- be a doctor, a firefighter, a police officer, a queen, and a cook, all in the course of a day. And be prepared to be any or all of those at the whim of my daughter’s imagination.
- bargain hunt.
- survive on only a few hours of sleep, sometimes with coffee, sometimes not.
- give up chocolate for my baby. (But oh, is that hard.)
I am a mom.
I’m never perfect, but I’m always right. At least that’s what I tell myself when I start to doubt.
I’m not graceful (Is that a Cheeto handprint on my shirt? Did you just wipe snot on my pants?) but hope to be full of grace. At this, too, I fail.
I say, “No” a lot. I worry about the mess. I take life too serious.
But God gives me another day. And He doesn’t give up on me.
I am a mom.
I don’t always love my job, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
More moms should be like you. I stopped being able to count the number of girls, boys, men and women that I have met that were lost and greatly as a result of having no real mom, no love, no worries, but abuse and trauma instead.
No matter how frustrated you may get on any given day try and remember that just loving your kids and doing what you can for them changes their life greatly. So many yearn for that.
This post made me laugh out loud, I can identify with so many of those! Being a mom is the toughest most rewarding job I know!