Reading is a dangerous hobby for me. It always has been. I can lose myself between the front and back cover of a book in no time, oblivious to the real world around me.
It happened again today while reading Francine Rivers’ Her Daughter’s Dream. I’ve waited two months to read this second installment of the Marta’s Legacy series. (Click here to read my review of the first half of the series, Her Mother’s Hope.)
And it was worth the wait.
The series spans four generations of women who’ve been hurt, and who hurt others. Who love deeply and passionately, but sometimes wrongly. Who aspire to great heights, and fall to great depths. Her Daughter’s Dream is a fitting conclusion to this saga, bringing me to tears at times. That’s one thing I love about Rivers’ writing. It is moving but not manipulative. I don’t feel like she’s setting me up for a good cry. She’s writing about real stuff that really hurts and whether I’ve experienced it or not myself, I weep. Rivers holds nothing back, and in her characters I see the potential to err in my own life, with my relationship with my daughter. I was most affected by the themes of unforgiveness, miscommunication and bitterness, all of which lead to broken relationships and stand in the way of healing and wholeness.
When I’m in the middle of a good read, I’m drawn to the book, no matter what else is going on. I read while the kids played in the wading pool and dumped rocks and sand into the sandbox. I read while they destroyed my parents’ house from top to bottom, littering it with toys and food. I think my son ate grass, chapstick and maybe even some dog-slobbered crackers while I was engrossed. Not my best parenting day by any standard, but nobody got hurt, everyone had fun and tomorrow is another day.
All that to say, if you’re like me and you can’t put a good book down once you’ve picked it up, you might want to save this one for a long car ride or a late night or a vacation. It’s compelling, distracting and engaging.
Faith-building, as well.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I haven’t read a Francine Rivers book yet that I haven’t enjoyed.
Take a look at the book trailer for Her Daughter’s Dream.
I’m almost sad to leave these characters behind. They were beginning to feel like family.
Her Daughter’s Dream is part of the Tyndale Summer Reading Program, which I wholeheartedly recommend for next summer. I’ve read some great books that I otherwise might have missed.
What have you been reading this summer?
Love this post, and I admit Ive done the same type of thing. Francene rivers does have a way with writing tales, that’s for sure. Which of her’s is your favorite?
And the Shofar Blew is one of my favorites, even before I knew I was going to be a pastor’s wife! I haven’t read it in a while, but I love it. Probably my favorite. Thanks for asking! What’s yours?
I’d have to say my favorite is the Mark of the Lion Series.