I had a rough day today. Stress is in plentiful supply and today, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.
It’s hard to smile through those times, but hope is not gone.
I read the following in the first of Andrew Peterson’s The Wingfeather Saga, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness: “And the thing before us is to wait in this old cottage without giving up hope. Even if hope is just a low ember at night, in the morning you can still start a fire.”
There is always hope. Tomorrow is another day.
And these words, a portion of 2 Chronicles 20:12, that have been ringing in my mind: “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
September brings with it a whole lot of challenges. Even in those challenges, we have hope. God, the unchanging, unresting, even now works for our good.
And when the future seems hopeless, as it seemed to me today, it’s good to remind your soul of what’s true, even if you don’t feel it.
Went to the Benefit Dinner for your uncle….Lewie Frye… there were tons of people there.. It was spectacular….. Saw the things you donated for the “Silent Auction” also…there were many things donated for that….. Saw your mom and grandma and grandpa serving food….as well as many people helping…
If you had seen the crowd there, you would have been full of hope..
don’t let things worry you so much..
Every day is different, but things will turn out good in the end..
Take care..