I’m away this weekend, attending a writers conference and presenting a workshop as part of the one-day event. So, today, I focus on what I’m thankful for.
- That my husband’s job is flexible with his time off so we didn’t have to hire a sitter or a beg a friend to watch the kids while he worked and I went away.
- That my husband enjoys spending time with the kids and has a day full of fun planned with them.
- That my kids look forward to having a Daddy-Kid weekend so much they don’t even seem to realize I won’t be there.
- That my husband supports my writing and speaking dreams and encourages me to do things I think are unthinkable.
- That my friend Carol would let me tag along on her speaking gig and participate in it as well. (She’s as cool as her name would suggest.)
- That at the end of a rough and eventful week I can still be thankful for family and friends and praise God for His goodness.
What are you thankful for this week?
Thinking about you as you get ready for your workshop! I’m presenting a workshop today, too (Healthy Congregations)!