Reading the Bible does not come easy to me. I have years of baggage to unpack regarding this one book, and for a year, maybe, I just had to take a break.
Before you decide that I’m a terrible heathen, let me be clear: I love Jesus. And all that time I was still going to church and trying to follow Him.
For years I read the Bible because I believed I “had to” and that if I did, life would turn out okay for me. I followed what I thought was the rule: read your Bible every day and God will be so pleased with you He won’t let anything bad happen to you. This was my interpretation.
I discovered in a hard way that it doesn’t work like that. So, I took a break from the Bible.
But in the past couple of months, I have wanted to return to the readings, not because I have to but because I want to. I want to know what Jesus says. I want to refresh my memory about his life on earth.
So I started with the book of Mark. Short. To the point.
And still, I am stunned by what I read.
Read the rest of this post at Putting on the New where I write once a month.