Hi, I’m Lisa. I’m a wife and mom, incurably curious, in search of the Kingdom in everyday life, and a lover of words.
I’ve been filling notebooks (you know, those things before computers) with stories for as long as I can remember, forcing my tales on anyone willing to read them. I’ve also filled journals with hundreds of thousands of words that nobody will ever read. After college, I worked as a journalist for almost a decade before taking on the new challenge of motherhood.
No matter what I’m writing, I have one goal: I write to remember. My journals are the written history of my feelings and thoughts. As a journalist, I was recording local history. I started a blog to help me navigate all the milestones of being a parent (and to keep the grandparents updated on our lives), and it’s become so much more. My in-progress fiction aims to tell untold stories.
“Beauty on the Backroads” is not only the title of my blog but the theme of my heart. You can read more about the meaning behind it here. In short, I’m a get-to-where-we’re-going kind of person. I had certain expectations for my life and how I thought it would turn out, and when I experienced some detours and unexpected road work, I had to find a way to see the beauty in all of that. The highway might be the quickest way to get somewhere, but the scenic route is almost always more enjoyable. In this space, I talk about what I’m seeing on the scenic routes of life, how I happen on the roads less traveled, and what life looks like from the slow lane. My interests are varied and so are my thoughts, but it’s my hope that this theme comes through.
When I’m not writing stories, I’m reading them. I love sitting outside on the porch with a cup of coffee and a book (or my laptop or Kindle) getting lost in stories, both true and made-up. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons, when my soul breathes a little sigh of relief.
I’m glad you’re here. Stay as long as you like.