If you think Jesus would have come into your home that day and not issued a strong rebuke to the head of household, you are mistaken. These words of condemnation have been haunting me for days now. They aren’t all that different than the soundtrack I play in my head on an almost-daily basis. It’s…
Saturday smiles: end of another week edition
Seriously? It’s Saturday again already? Time seems to be flying in our house right now. Which reminds me a little of those movie scenes where an airplane is flying directly toward a mountain and everyone thinks .they’re going to crash until the last minute when the plane makes a sharp turn or narrowly crests the mountain without a problem. That’s kind of how life feels for us right now. Not exactly something to smile about, I guess, unless you believe that God is good and you aren’t going to crash and burn and even if you did He’d have a plan for that.
Anyway, on to the weekly smiles.
How can you not smile at the first sign of spring? This yellow crocus, poor confused little flower, appeared in our front yard this week. With temps in the low to mid 50s part of the week, I can understand why nature might think spring is approaching soon. It is approaching soon, but I’m afraid the little crocus won’t survive unharmed till then.
The library. Even though I’m not checking out books right now because I have a backlog of books in the house to read, I still have an “I’m home” moment when I walk in. And I love that Isabelle can pick out no less than 15 books every three weeks to take home, even with a library of her own at home. Hello, we’re the Bartelts and we have a book addiction.
While at the library this week, I was reminded that three weeks from now, we’ll be on our way to Florida and halfway through the seminary semester. Crazy.
The time bake feature on our oven. I made these in the afternoon, then the kids and I took a long walk around the neighborhood. When we returned, it was ready to come out of the oven.
Last Sunday, the kids sang in church. Isabelle hasn’t quite been brave enough to do any actual singing since the kids have made regular appearances, but this time, she sang a little bit AND performed hand motions. Way to go, girl!
Making decisions as a mom. This week, it was little stuff, like making a dentist appointment for Isabelle (her first) and signing her up for soccer. I procrastinate and second-guess myself on decisions, so to have made two tangible ones for the well-being of my children this week feels great.
Isabelle’s starting to recognize and learn how to write letters. I’m not a teacher, so maybe this is old news for other parents of almost 4-year-olds, but it’s exciting. She can write her name and with a little direction copy letters and fill in crossword-type puzzles. Seeing her correctly identify letters that aren’t in her name makes me believe that yes, she will learn to read.
Corban’s terrible twos are turning ornery in the cute-but-naughty sort of way. He giggles and runs away when he needs a diaper change or takes something from his sister. I have to say here that it makes me smile because I can’t let him see me smile in the moment. It is sort of funny. But I know I have to lay down the law. He giggles about other things, too. While singing to him for naptime this week, I picked the hymn “Trust and Obey.” He repeated the words as best he could, then nodded his head and said, “I like it” followed by a giggle. It was enough to make me crack up during the song, too. Oh, the joy.
He also does stuff like this.
Friends, new and old, who keep me sane and encourage me.
Playtime at the park.
Making up after a fight.
Winning a license for a writing software I can’t wait to play around with.
Taking action toward meeting a writing goal.
So, what’s bringing a smile to your face these days?
Happy Saturday!
How sweet it is: Review of A Sweethaven Summer by Courtney Walsh
You know how when you’re reading a book and you have to put it down for whatever reason and you’re disappointed and you say, “Oh, man, I was just getting to the good part!”
A Sweethaven Summer by Courtney Walsh is like that from page 1. The good part — that’s the whole thing. Seriously. I started reading it while my son took a nap on my lap and two-and-a-half hours later I was more than 200 pages into the story. I finished it later that night because I just couldn’t wait.
Before I go too much further with this review, I should tell you Courtney and I went to high school together, though one of us graduated before the other one did, and I won’t say which of us it was. We later worked together at our hometown newspaper and reconnected on Facebook years later (doesn’t everybody?). And we had lunch last fall in a cafe dangerously close to a talking moose.
OK. On with the review. And stick around to the end for a Q & A with Courtney about the book.
A Sweethaven Summer brings friendship, scrapbooking, family secrets, forgiveness, and even a little bit of romance together. Please don’t let the “romance” word scare you. It’s part of the story but it’s not over the top or in your face. Subtle is how I’d describe it. The main character Campbell isn’t on a quest for love, at least not the handsome fella, sweep you off your feet kind. After her mother’s death, she sets out to find the father she never knew and along the way discovers a mother she didn’t know as well as she thought she did either. Scrapbook pages bring old friends together in their former summer community of Sweethaven, Michigan. She also meets Luke, a local who helps her with her search.
A Sweethaven Summer is the first in a three-book series, and I, for one, can’t wait to read more about these characters.
FAVORITES: No word is wasted. I’m kind of a skimmer when it comes to novels. I don’t get caught up in endless paragraphs of description. I linger over dialogue, wanting to get to the action to find out what happens. (Although I will NOT read the end of the book before I read the rest of it.) I tell you that so that when I tell you I read every word of this book, you’ll understand how rare that is. Courtney uses words wisely to both set the scene and move the plot along. I didn’t feel bogged down at all.
FAULTS: Related to what I liked best is what I liked least: it was over too soon! Now I have to wait a few more months for the story to continue. OK, that’s not really a fault. I feel like I’d be nitpicking to mention anything. I want to say that Luke seems too good to be true, but I like his character. Maybe there’s more to discover about Luke.
IN A WORD: Sweet. Not the sick-to-your-stomach-after-eating-too-much-candy kind of sweet. More like a delicious and satisfying slice of your favorite pie to top off your meal.
Courtney was kind enough to grant an interview during her busy book launch schedule. Read on for her thoughts about family, writing and who would play her lead characters in a movie.
So the book is out, people are reading and reviewing it, the launch party’s over… are you still pinching yourself about being a novelist?
Ha. I think at this point, the “work” of it takes over. Marketing your book is a huge part of the process, so I haven’t really stopped and thought “Hey! I wrote a book!” yet. I’d like to you…you know, eventually. 🙂 I did have a sort of surreal moment when I saw it in Barnes and Noble though…that was the moment where it all kind of came together for me!
What has surprised you most about your first novel (the process, the editing, the reaction, etc.)?
The whole process and the amount of work involved was very surprising…and still is! I don’t say that as a bad thing–I actually LOVE the whole process, but I was maybe a bit naive as to what it really took to write a novel! It’s a lot of writing and then rewriting and “cutting your darlings” as my editor says…but I also think I am surprised at how incredibly volatile it feels to have it out there, for people to read. I keep saying it’s like running across the stage naked with a follow spot on you. And it really is! (And, friends, that’s just not a pretty picture!)
How do you make writing a priority with a busy family?
I have an amazing husband. When we lived in Illinois, my mom came up once a week and kept my youngest (who is still at home.) But then we moved to Colorado. One of her attempts to keep us in Illinois went something like this: “You’ll never have time to write now without me there to watch Sam.” She almost got me on that one! It’s VERY challenging at times, but I’m so fortunate that my husband is supportive. He will give me a day away (or just locked in my office under the headphones) without any question. He doesn’t even ask me to make him dinner. I love that man. 🙂
Also, now, I pretty much only write on the weekends…I find that having a set time with a word count goal in mind really helps me.
The women in Sweethaven tackle some pretty serious issues: being raised without a father, unforgiveness, infertility, broken family relationships (and others I’m probably leaving out!) … how did you choose these themes for your novel?
Gosh, if I told you that the characters kind of told me their stories would you suggest I voluntarily check myself into a mental hospital? Because, truly, these women became so real to me, I really didn’t “dream up” stories for them…they sort of just unfolded while I wrote them. The unforgiveness thing probably comes from my own struggles, but everything else, I really feel like they fit in with the lives the characters lived.
And on a totally less serious note, if Sweethaven was turned into a movie, who would you want to play Luke and Campbell? (Or any other characters you’d like to cast.)
Oh, this is my favorite interview question of all time. ever.
Don’t think I haven’t thought about this. Until recently, I had NO one pictured for Campbell, but then my sister and I were talking about it and she found an image of Carey Mulligan. And it was like, “YES!” That’s her! To me, Luke has always been Scott Speedman from Felicity, still one of my all-time favorite shows. Wouldn’t they be so cute together? (It probably wouldn’t work anymore age-wise, but I can dream…)
I’m still thinking of the other parts…but Adele was inspired by Paula Deen. I don’t care how much butter she uses, I love that woman! 🙂
What’s next for you?
I just finished Book Two and am almost done with Book Three, which will be released at the end of summer and late Nov/early Dec. of this year…beyond that, I’ve got some things in the cooker but I’ve already made plans to take a month to really focus on finishing some projects around the house! I can’t wait to clean/purge and decorate! 🙂
Connect with Courtney on Facebook, Twitter (@courtney_walsh) or on her blog http://www.courtneywalsh.typepad.com. Courtney also is the author of two scrapbooking books, Scrapbooking Your Faith and The Busy Scrapper. If reading A Sweethaven Summer has you itching to dive back in to scrapbooking, like it did for me, then check out her other books as well.