I wish all my smiles posts had a theme. Or maybe I don’t because I like variety. The spice of life, you know.
So, here’s the smile-makers from this week.
I sold two articles. Even after years of seeing my name in print on an almost-daily basis, I still get a thrill out of someone wanting to pay me for something I’ve written. Looking forward to sharing the articles with you in a few months, for one, and later this year, for the other.
I read two really great books this week: Forsaken Dreams by MaryLu Tyndall and So Shines the Night by Tracy Higley. I’ll be reviewing both later in the month. If you’re looking for some good inspirational suspenseful romantic fiction, these books have a little bit of all of that and are worth the splurge.
Sometimes I read fiction, and have to finish a book no matter the time of night, to know that things work out all right in the end. When I feel like that’s not true of my life, fiction gives me hope.
So do songs like this one. My husband and I both cried watching this video.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8jilr8qsYU]
And as usual, the kids came up with some doozies this week.
Me: I’m so glad your grandparents are coming in a week.
Isabelle: So you can leave.
Me: Yes. So I can leave.
Corban: You didn’t get us any juice!
Me: Oh my goodness. Am I fired?
Corban: Noooo. Moms and dads don’t get fired.
And while we were discussing what was in the eggplant casserole, the kids came up with their own casserole combinations.
Isabelle: I would use broccoli, bacon, salt and pepper.
Corban: I would use pencils, coins and Mommy’s head.
Remind me not to let the boy anywhere near the kitchen.
And it’s March, which means spring is coming soon.