My experience of motherhood couldn’t be more different from Heather Avis’, author of The Lucky Few, but I loved this memoir of adoption and found it relatable in so many ways. (It’s much more than just a story of adoption, though.) Heather’s story is about what happens when you say “yes” to God in a season that seems all wrong and find that it’s the only place you ever wanted to be.
The Luck y Few is a story about Heather’s experience with infertility and her struggle for joy as she watched others around her (including family) become pregnant. And how everything changed when she and her husband were led to adopt a baby with Down Syndrome.
I first heard Heather speak on a podcast about how her kids with Down Syndrome are such a joy and treasure in her life, and that’s how I discovered this book. (Check out her Instagram: @macymakesmyday) It would be easy to call her and her husband heroes but they are just people who walked the path on which God led them. Even if you don’t think adoption is your path, this book is relatable if you find yourself presented with a God-given opportunity that you never thought would be yours. (Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the Booklook Bloggers program but opinion is my honest one.)
Heather doesn’t sugarcoat the challenges nor does she demand that others do exactly as they have done. The book is full of grace and is so inspiring. I believe the title is true. They are “the lucky few.”